some of the scripts here are submitted to us by our users and there is absolutely no warrenty of any kind , please use them with your own risks , we RaidenFTPD team does not take any responsibility for these , only the scripts with written by RaidenFTPD team are scripts made by us officially. Warning : All scripts require RaidenFTPD v2.4 build 1320+
RaidenFTPD AddComment Program
This application grabs the file from Raiden and checks if it is a "*.zip" or if it is a "*.rar" file. If true then the process begins.
composed by ZeRG (2004/02/22) |
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RaidenFTPD WebAdmin v1.0
RaidenFTPD WebAdmin is an PHP/MySQL Database interface, or in common words, an webadministrator to add, delete and modify users in a mysql database. RaidenFTPD WebAdmin will provide an easy to use interface to administrate your users over the web.
composed by G3O (2004/01/27) |
* Runs with RaidenFTPD ADVANCED or ODBC enabled versions |
blowfish v1.1 sitebot/sfv checker
Full IRC Support
Full RAIDEN Support
WebServer STATS
Connecting to eggdrop
Over 50 Options
composed by S3Ri0US (2003/11/03) |
mirror |
site mark extended command for RaidenFTPD v1
* marking dirs as useful, nice to have, whatever via site-command
* evry user has it's own dir so other ppl can check your recommendations
* within the dir , a 0byte-file with your comment will be created
* within your personal dir a v-dir will be created which is linked with the real dir
* within your dir a nfo-file will be created with information about your marking
* the script adds the vfs-entry to your *.vfs file
* script checks if the dir you want to mark is still around
* triggers only on "site mark"
* added check if you already marked a dir-vfs won't be filled with double-entries
* if you only do "site mark" you'll get a msg how to use the command
composed by appalewser (2003/07/20) |
download |
GADMIN For RaidenFTPD v1.5
GADMIN is a small "script" that sits between the FTP client and the RaidenFTP server.Using this, GADMIN will create groups that can be assigned SLOTS - both RATIO and LEECH slots can be set.Once the group is created, the Root user can ADDUSER a person to the Group and then assign them as a GROUP ADMIN.
More than one Group Admin can be set for each Group. The Group Admin can add/delete other users -
composed by ExSeSSive (2003/03/07) |
download |
brandnew script v0.21
It creates virtual directories linking to the last x uploads.So the user are abled to access the last x uploads from one dir
composed by libbi (2003/02/06) |
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rStats is a small program that analyse your RaidenFtpd log files. It creates a couple of XML files with the following stats for each user: Logins, Logins Failed, Executed Site Commands, Create Folders, Deleted Folders, Uploaded GB, Uploaded Files, Max Upload Speed, Min Upload Speed, Avg Upload Speed, Downloaded GB, Downloaded Files, Max Download Speed, Min Download Speed, Avg Download Speed
composed by LordBalr0g (2003/01/23) .NET framework required |
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MASA ftpadmin
a GUI based ftp server administration tool , by using it you don't need to remember site commands
composed by masa (2003/12/23)
www |
It uses GlobalScape's TransferEngine , this script has support for FTP, SFTP (SSH2), FTPS (SSL), HTTP, and HTTPS , and it comes with sync and dump ftp site scripts
composed by omen (2002/11/19)
mirror |
Raiden SQL Logging system
a SQL logging system with the following features
* File upload/download/delete (IP, user, group, time, filename_with_virtualpath, filesize, transfer speed)
* Dir make/delete (IP, user, group, time, dir_name)
* user login (IP, user, group, time, success)
composed by domper (2002/10/26)
download |
RaidenMonitor 2.0 rc4
a remote administration tool for
RaidenFTPD . It has all raidenftpd site commands built in and a GUI console for you to view the real time server activities
composed by akumasai (2002/10/13) |
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Halcy0n's trial script
a script that helps you to create trial ftp accounts with qouta options , a gambling and quota scripts are also available from this site
composed by halcy0n (2002/10/11) |
download |
Active FTP sites replicator
a script that will automatically replicate all of your file uploads to multiple remote ftp sites , the local path and remote path are configurable so only matched files will be replicated.
composed by RaidenFTPD team (2002/08/18) |
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zChecker v2.1.0 RC1
a sfvzipscript + announce + dupecheck + site commands combo pack ported from the old popular G6Checker for another ftpd
composed by zORGLuB (2002/08/11) |
download |
kyddz message center
a messaging center withint RaidenFTPD with the following features
* Global messaging to all users in the Raiden user file
* Site message board for all users to read
* Private messaging between users
* New message indication
* Ability to read new messages or read all messages in account
* Ability to delete specific messages
* Ability to delete all messages in account
* User-defined word-wrapping
* Blocks messages to non-members of the site
composed by kyddz (2002/05/27) |
download |
TJ ZipScript v2.0b4_fixed
a powerful zip/sfv script written in C language , featuring zip check , zip percentage report , IRC site bot and IRC report
composed by tijus (2002/07/25) |
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3.2 A RaidenFTPD log file analyzer , it's graphical and it was written in VisualC++/MFC ..
composed by xcyanide |
www |
Site Auto Deleter 2.5
An utility that can clean up your ftp site automatically and delete older files , it also comes with IRC reporting features ..
composed by riddler |
download |
CTZ Stats
A cold fusion script for RaidenFTPD , it can display your server stats on www pages using cold fusion ..
composed by Critz |
www |
SunDude Msg Board
An easy to use RaidenFTPD message board system , it allows you to send msg to other ftp users , read messages and reset your personal message box ..
composed by SunDude |
download |
TriadScript 2.4
the ultimate Ftp Serving script for mIRC. It uses Raiden as the Server engine and you are able to control all settings for Raiden from whitin mIRC.Triad Script also features an easy dialog driven Setup ..
composed by Wz |
download |
deKuf sitebot 2.52
a php+tcl sitebot script for RaidenFTPD , it is based on the Rdsitebot and got a lot of fixes and enhancements , there is also a trial user account script available from the author's web site now ..
composed by rtkrazyk |
recommended! |
phpZipScripts v0.79b fixed for php 4.3.2
a php zipScript based on TJ ZipScript (also available here) , it has many features for processing files including ZIP files and SFV files...
composed by Leblanc |
recommended! |
RaidenFTPD site commands pack for FlashFXP 1.4
a pre-composed site command pack for flashfxp , with this pack you can run all native RaidenFTPD site commands directly from flashfxp
composed by TuS (2002/05/22) |
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RaidenFTPD daily download restrictor v 1.6
a Win32 native addon for RaidenFTPD , This addon is used for those who like to create shared account without download ratio , with it you can restrict the maximum amount of kilobytes an user can download from a fixed IP address , or no ratio accounts within a group name .. by RaidenFTPD team , there is another similar download restrictor but it restricts max concurrent downloading users .. Download Restrictor v1.0 by Zorglub |
download |
Rick's SiteOP v2001.10.26
an useful site commands pack for site owners , it introduces site search , site delete , site rename , site m3u , site userfile , site reboot , site shutdown new commands , with user level security control , now also making use of mySQL database! new : supports trial user accounts |
download |
MultiScripts v0.95c
a new pack of multi purpose scripts written in BCB (C++) , it features anti-hammering , GUI configuration , file search , message board , sfv progress reporting and reqeust system ! |
www mirror |
Simiy's Sfv Checker v1.13b (incl. source code , VC++)
a Win32 native addon for RaidenFTPD , it can create upload status/progress according to the .sfv file that users uploaded , it does not require php/vbs run-time environment so it is fast and generates no script error ..
composed by Simiy |
download |
Weekly Allotment v0.96
a convenient script for siteops who don't give out free download accounts but want to give each user xxx mb of credit on every monday or so ..
composed by Breakz |
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Mp3Linker v1.0.1 an useful mp3 albums Raiden virtual file system auto linker which can display a sorted/organized view of mp3 albums in ftp server while keeping your original directory layout without wasting disk space ! Sneddie (2001/06/14) , VfsMerge v1.1 also grab this Modified version of this script which can map multiple directories into a huge mixed directory download , mergeVFS v1.0 by sorrum if you don't want to use php script there is also a binary version download |
download |
Int3nse Script v1.5.1
a new SFV script written in PHP/mySQL , it not only has all the SFV completion , percentage report feature , it also has a special feature , directory dupe checker which can ban unwelcome directories for your server , the v1.5 also features some new site commands (pre/gadduser/search) and advanced site search function , and the missing files reporting feature
composed by int3nse (2001/08/31) |
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rFTPD www statz v0.8
a new www server script for RaidenFTPD , it allows you to browse for your server's statistics via a web browser and you can even browse for historical statistic data , note : you need a web server to run this script |
download |
Psycho RaidenFTPD SFV script
a new SFV script which will report progress of uploading and missing files
composed by Psycho (2001/03/13) |
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Psycho RaidenFTPD site bot
a new tcl script which will allow RaidenFTPD to interact with IRC bot eggdrop written by Psycho (2001/03/20) - NOTE : This script has an updated version now , try the deKuf sitebot - |
download |
bSFVCHK RaidenFTPD SFV script
a SFV completion script written in PERL , great for PERL programmers to see how to use PERL to write a RaidenFTPD script
composed by bRave (2001/03/23) |
download |
AsM0d3us SFV v1.0
a Win32 sfv uploading progress report addon for RaidenFTPD , it's configurable by ini file without modifying php or vbs source codes
composed by AsM0d3us |
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Mp3 disk tag script v0.1.2
makes a file/dir as [MP3]-[--NN-songs--][--YEAR--GENRE--BITRATE--]-TAG when user uploads a MP3 file to a dir
composed by RaidenFTPD team (2001/03/23) |
download |
Raiden Scripts Pack
including sfvComplete script displays dir tag if all files in a .sfv/md5 are completely uploaded , now it's also possible to report the progress of uploads and onliner script shows last online users in site onliner and newdir script shows last made directories in site newdir and newday script creates daily directory structure for you
composed by RaidenFTPD team |
educational only ! |
RaidenZTOOL v1.02
An external zip file post processor plug-in. The main purpose of it is to extract/insert somthing from/into a zip file after an user uploads it
composed by RaidenFTPD team |
download |
makeroot addon
a Win32 command line utility to create user's or group's home directory (if they don't exist) when user logs in , saves your time to create home directory for everyone composed by RaidenFTPD team |
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chmod.exe addon
a Win32 command line utility for script authors to change permission modes for files and directories without RaidenFTPD
composed by RaidenFTPD team |
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site command sample
a simple example that teaches you how to make extension RaidenFTPD site command by PHP language
composed by RaidenFTPD team |
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RaidenZTOOL v1.02
An external zip file post processor plug-in. The main purpose of it is to extract/insert somthing from/into a zip file after an user uploads it
composed by RaidenFTPD team |
download |