Q : How to configure ftp server behind a linksys broadband router (wrt300n)?

Connect to Your NAT's web interface, and login. Click Application & Gaming -> Single Port Forwarding:

Add 1 rules for RaidenFTPD ftp server (for the normal server port 21)

external port 21, internal port 21, protocol tcp, to ip address = Your LAN IP-address,enable

And if you are setting up a SSL RaidenFTPD ftp server, add the rules like above but for your implicit ssl port and explicit ssl port.

The setup is not done yet, you need to setup data ports forwarding too.

Click Application & Gaming -> Port Range Forwarding:
Add a rule for your RaidenFTPD data ports, from the start to end of the range, using tcp protocol and forward to your LAN IP-Address.


That's ALL


REVISION 2.4 , 2007/04/24

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